Dear Jasper
I really tried to take you to the Ministry of Magic as they possibly could become minister of magic and you nothing.
I really had enough of those thick meat-eaters and cretins who call themselves police officers they have an incredible miracle.
Nerves are we shooting the fireworks for the new year.
The most beautiful memories to me when I took a Nimbus 2001 broom and swung towards those carnivores thick.
Nice to me in the package brought back into that hole and I stayed there whole night.
Then you came no more jerk and I do not know how (probably because you're famous and other nonsense) released me.
Do you want me now if you do not go to bulldoze the Ministry of Magic forgotten ejr magje go to the ministry and not moving back to jail.
From fireworks flares.
Ps. Perhaps now I go, I mean that I went in for those carnivores Boletus satanas